Bella (Chapter 15)

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Jamari planted the precious seed and cared for bella watering and talking to her until she blossomed into a beautiful Cowplant. Then he continued to feed and play with her. Tate played with her too. It seemed to help the grieving process having this precious thing the needed to be looked after. Tate was no longer coming home angry he couldn’t wait to tell Bella about his day while he teased her and she growled at him playfully.

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Jamari bumped into Adalyn one day while he was taking the rubbish out he hadn’t seen her since she rejected him all those years ago.

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she looked exactly the same She invited herself into the garden (nothing changes since that was how they had met her sneaking into his garden) Adalyn admired Bella. Jamari said goodbye (Trying to give her a hint.) and went indoors. Adalyn admired Bella a little longer and as she turned to leave noticed a cake pop out of Bella’s mouth she rushed back and gave it a yank. To her surprise it yanked back and pulled her into Bella’s now open mouth. Bella Gagged and spat Adalyn out ( Adalyn had already proved to be a nasty person and I guess that’s also how she tasted) sitting in a puddle of plant slime Adalyn took the hint and left.

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After his nap jamari was surprised to see Bella’s udders full she seemed to be uncomfortable so he milked her and was left with a glass of Essence of stress. A few nights later while suffering exhaustion Jamari’s tired brain tricked him into becoming Bella’s next meal (I like to think she realised who she had just eaten and spat him out out of love for her carer) this time when he milked her he got a glass of discomfort.

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Over the next few days Jamari concentrated his collectibles search. He returned home after a particularly successful hunt only to find Bella Had passed away due to neglect. Jamari laid her to rest next to his dearest Arabella (Her Namesake).

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>Chapter 16

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